"May I write words more naked than flesh, stronger than bone, more resilient than sinew, sensitive than nerve." _ Sappho

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Cool Drink from the Well

PAMELA WILSON, like most of us, realized as a child something was amiss in the world. The human condition of discord, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness was not appealing. TM, the Sedona Method, and sheer exhaustion dropped her at satsang’s door. Grace liberated her from society’s hypnosis, and Peace remained.
Pamela accepts invitations from individuals and groups throughout the world to hold satsangs and retreats and give private sessions. Her vision is the nondualism brought into focus so luminously by the great Indian sage Ramana Maharshi. Her satsangs celebrate self-inquiry, clarity, and kindness. Fellowship of the Heart is the church that supports Pamela’s work.

Pamela Wilson in The Translucent Revolution:

“There is a difference in the feminine invitation to rest as one's true nature. It is about being kind inside, including the arising emotions and contractions and the senses rather than meditating them away. It is gorgeous because there is always this balance of the fiercer masculine aspect, and the warm feminine voice of 'this too, this too, this too.' I find that sitting inside myself, just allowing everything to come rest, to invite it all in as an honored guest works really exquisitely for me. I notice more and more, when I sit with my friends, that it is a lovely balance to have the cool inquiry of “to whom does this come” and the warm invitation for anything to arise, to come to rest, to give it clarity and kindness."

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